What We Do
We provide grants to innovative Christian missions projects that are Smart, Sustainable, and Scalable.

Grants will be awarded to missions where the impact would be great and primarily for the total cost of the project being considered. If the grant is only for a part of the total project, the grant will only be released when the applicant can prove that the additional cost of the project has been raised. Any grant awarded should be a significant part of the whole project cost.

Our grants have historically ranged from $500 to $5,000. We like to award between 8 – 12 grants each year and the average grant is roughly $3,000.



The fund focuses on three priorities

Christian Missions
Missions Education
Short Term Missions
Who Is Eligible to Receive a Grant?

U.S. based ministries who have

  1. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
  2. Been thoroughly investigated by our Missions Advisory Committee
  3. Display honesty, character, and are above reproach in the way that they conduct their ministry

Grants will be awarded for innovative projects and certain tangible items. 

Please note, we do not award grants for:

  • The personal support of mission members.
  • The salaries of the mission’s staff.
  • Ongoing ministry operations.


What others have to say.

Kingdom Mission Fund refers to us as their ministry partners, but they also routinely call us part of the KMF family. For a small Christian-based nonprofit those words, on the challenging days, those words are like manna and protection knowing people care and prayerfully have our back. They mean encouragement, equipping, support, and cheering us on to do the work to which God calls us. We are better for being part of this family of good and Godly people.
Cinde Rawn
Executive Director, Threads of Hope

KMF has been a constant presence of both support and encouragement for my organization, ForgottenSong. Not only do they support other ministries with their resources and time, but they actively invest in the advancement of ideas, innovations, accountability, and discipleship worldwide. Both ForgottenSong and I would not be where we are today without KMF.
Charles Davidson
Executive Director, Forgotten Song

I am very grateful for the Kingdom Mission Fund’s understanding and support of missionaries around the world. Their gifts helped us employ and disciple more teenagers from our neighborhood in our summer camps and after-school programs. To be supported by KMF is not only to receive financial support but to be invited to a family of believers who care and partner with you in the gospel!
Kristin Walker
Executive Director, Urban Promise

Submit a Grant Application

Please share a little bit about your project and goals. If it seems like a fit, we will send a full grant application.
Submit a Grant Application